Wel dyma hwy'r gadwedig hil

(Dat. xxi. 1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Rhan V)
Wel dyma hwy'r gadwedig hil,
A gadwodd ar y llwybr cul;
  Trwy fôr o wae,
      trwy 'storm o wynt,
  Y buont hwy yn teithio gynt.

Hwynt-hwy gas heddwch gan y Tad,
Hwynt-hwy a gànwyd yn y gwa'd;
  Hwynt-hwy yw'r lu
      sy' oddeutu'r fainc,
  Yn canu'r waredigol gainc.

Eu dagrau oll a sychwyd ffwrdd,
Galar a thristwch
    byth nis cwrdd;
  Ni ddaw marwolaeth
      mwy na phoen,
  I ŵydd y croeshoeliedig Oen.

Priod-ferch Iesu yw y rhai'n,
A wisgwyd oll â lliain main;
  Yn edrych ar ei wedd bob awr,
  Yn nghanol y gogoniant mawr.

Coronau ar eu penau gaer,
Ac yn eu dwylaw d'lynau aur;
  Yn canu Aleluia'n hy',
  Nes datsain yr holl nefoedd fry.

Gwnfyd f'ai 'mhlith
    y miloedd myrdd,
Sy'n awr yn gwisgo y palmwydd gwyrdd;
  O Arglwydd da, dywed a ga'i
  I fod yn un o'r dysglaer rai?
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tôn [MH 8888]: Savoy (<1811)

  Rhan I -
Cod f'enaid gwan yn fuan gwel
  Rhan II -
Yno y mae fy Mrenhin mawr
  Rhan III -
O flaen y fainc mil miloedd mae
  Rhan IV -
Yno mae'r apostolion mawr

(Rev. 21. 1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Part 5)
See here the saved race,
That he kept on the narrow path;
  Through a sea of woe,
      through a storm of wind,
  They were once travelling.

They, they got peace from the Father,
They, they were bleached in the blood;
  They, they are the host
      who are around the throne,
  Singing the deliverance strain.

'Tis their tears that were all dried away,
Lamenting and sadness
    they shall never meet;
  Neither death nor pain
      shall come any more,
  To the presence of the crucified Lamb.

The bride of Jesus are these,
Who were all dressed in fine linen;
  Looking upon his face every hour,
  In the midst of the great glory.

Crowns on their heads there shall be,
And in their hands harps of gold;
  Singing Alleluia boldly,
  Until all heaven above resounds.

Blessed it would be amongst
    the myriad of thousands,
Who are now wearing the green palms;
  O good Lord, tell whether I shall get
  To be one of the radiant ones?
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion.

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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